Why Keystone XL is a good fight after all (A Rebuttal).

Why Keystone XL is a good fight after all (A Rebuttal). An interesting article was posted by Jonathan Chait of New York Magazine (linked) arguing that Keystone XL (KXL) is the wrong fight for the environmental community to be picking. Instead, he argues, the proposed EPA regulations on coal-fired power plants are a more promising […]

Diluted Bitumen and Pipeline Damage

Diluted Bitumen and Pipeline Damage A new report released by the Transportation Research Board examines the prospect of transporting diluted bitumen, the intermediate form of oil produced by tar sands, through oil pipelines. The report finds that diluted bitumen poses no additional risks to pipeline safety than does any other form of crude. That is […]

When two fossil fuels are better than one.

When two fossil fuels are better than one. Hybrids are a common sight on America’s roads these days. While some models are likely more green-washing than green policy, the principle of hybridization is easy to understand. Have two fuel options available in the same car to the strengths of one compensates for the weaknesses of […]

The Science of Confirmation Bias

The Science of Confirmation Bias For anyone who has tried to communicate scientific concepts, confirmation bias is a constant obstacle. People regularly over-emphasize that which agrees with internal values or existing opinions and discount that which does not. As the linked article explains, this has more to do with how the brain organized its information […]

Neonicotinoids, Bees and the Sustainability of Pollinator Services

Neonicotinoids, Bees and the Sustainability of Pollinator Services For those who follow environmental or agricultural science, concern over pollination is nothing new. The sudden and unexpected death of honeybee colonies, in a phenomenon called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), has been documented for many years now and a wide range of factors, including viruses, mites, insecticides […]

Bioenergy in California

Last week I helped organize a webinar on Bioenergy in California, presented by the UC Davis Policy Institute for Energy, Environment and the Economy. Stephen Kaffka, an expert agronomist with years of experience in the field of bioenergy crops gave an insightful hour-long discussion of the resources available to California for producing energy and fuels […]